DottedSign is a cloud-based electronic signature service, built for small to medium-sized businesses, startups and business professionals’ signing needs. This solution lets you handle your signing tasks on the move, whether you’re commuting, in meetings, or visiting clients. It has already been used by over 3,500 enterprises worldwide, with over 700K members across various industries such as finance, education, human resource, manufacturing and more. Learn more:
DottedSign is one of the productivity tools of Kdan Mobile. Kdan Mobile Software was founded in 2009 with a mission to empower modern professionals to better leverage their productivity and unleash their creativity. The company is a global SaaS provider, whose work is supported by over 200 million downloads, and over 12 million members worldwide.
Members are eligible for an e-signature solution, DottedSign Enterprise and Business free trial accounts, and a 10% discount coupon.
Value: $180